Here are some pictures of my office that happens to be in the basement. I like to have a bed in my office not so much for napping (which comes in handy when I'm having a George Costanza moment) but for making piles of projects that might otherwise end up on the floor.
I'm also a big fan of bulletin boards:
I try to rotate pictures, but I love all of these images so much that I can't bear to take them down. There are Walker Evans postcards, paint chip samples, variations on "reclining lady" paintings, a poster from Leslie and the Ly's when they played in Portland, a trailer park motel in Arizona that I want to live in... But one of my favorite images is below, next to the zebra:

That's Leigh Bowery, a performance artist, and his parents. I absolutely love these two very proper British parents posing for a picture with their son who happens to be wearing completely crazy makeup. To me, it's the ultimate in acceptance of both child and parent. Or as they say in Hair: "Be whoever you are, do whatever you want to do. Just so long as you don't hurt anybody."
Here's a little nook that I crammed a bookshelf into and topped with one of my father's taxidermy birds:

This is a little vinyl letter art that inspires me: